
MPS Mini Flammable

MPS Mini Flammable

MPS mini flammable with hand

MPS mini flammable with hand

MPS mini flammable application ex

MPS mini flammable application ex

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Compact gas sensor for IoT applications

ART.NO: MPS™ Mini Flammable

The next generation of gas detection for an IoT world. NevadaNano's Molecular Property Spectrometer™ (MPS) flammable gas sensor powers the next generation of flammable gas detection, delivering TrueLEL™. MPS offers unrivalled reliability, accuracy and safety by simultaneously detecting over a dozen of the most common flammable gases.

The MPS Mini Flammable gas sensor is specifically targeted at IoT and large-scale applications. This enables new standards for connected gas sensors and helps companies create safer working environments in industrial and commercial applications.

Sensor values are reported via a UART allowing gas identification or via a standardised analogue output for easy integration and improved performance in existing designs.

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Improved security in a wide range of applications and environments

  • Accurate LEL measurements for exposure to individual gases as well as gas mixtures, including hydrogen, methane, butane, propane, ethane and others
  • In-built real-time compensation of environmental factors
  • Reduced costly and annoying false alarms
  • Automatic real-time gas classification - provides complete answers and enables analyses

Reliable performance without the need for maintenance

  • No calibration required
  • Immunity to contamination, even with continuous exposure
  • Built-in self-test
  • 2 years warranty and over 15 years lifetime
  • Certified as intrinsically safe
  • Low power consumption: 29 mW on average